Energy Performance Certificates


Energy Performance Certificates tell you how energy efficient a property is on a scale of A-G. The most efficient homes - which should have the lowest fuel bills - are in band A.

The certificate also tells you on a scale of A-G about the impact the home has on the environment. Better-rated homes should have less impact through carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.


The average property in the UK is in bands D-E for both ratings. The certificates include recommendations on ways to improve the home's energy efficiency to save you money and help the environment.


EPC's are compulsory on all properties being rented out from the 1st October onwards. They are already required as part of the HIP (Home Information Pack).


Greenwich Energy Surveys can provide both EPC's and HIP's. We also have an advisory service for energy efficiency in the home.


Click here to find more about us.




Example of what an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) looks like: